Chairperson Tools
Sir Fun Bear is ready to help.
Fun Services works hard to make your program both successful and simple. This page has lots of great tools for our chair people and volunteers alike. If you need additional information or have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Fun Services Voucher Program
Q: Is there an additional fee to the school for using the shopping vouchers?
A: No. There is a small fee charged to each person when they purchase a voucher. This helps us keep our prices down and avoids any additional fees to the school.
Q: Can we accept a photocopy of a voucher?
A: Yes. If it has an AUTH CODE. Some families may need to copy their parent letter because a relative like Grandma or Grandpa want to give their grandchild money to shop with. Parents can simply have their relatives purchase a voucher online and provide the parent with the AUTH CODE and dollar amount.
Q: What happens if a student turns in a voucher with false information?
A: Since the voucher will have the student’s name on it, we recommend treating it like a bad check. You would contact the family and ask for the correct amount from that family.
Q: What happens if a student loses their voucher?
A: The chairperson has been given login credentials to view any/all purchases made for their school. Simply write down the student’s name, voucher AUTH CODE and the dollar amount, then proceed as normal.
Q: Do we need to return the vouchers to Fun Services?
A: Yes, please. This will help us issue refunds if a family purchases a voucher and is unable to use it before the shop ends at your school.
Q: Do we track how much change is given?
A: No. Using the Daily Sales Worksheet, your cash will be accurate if you just track your totals each day.
Q: Can we give change to our students?
A: Absolutely! If your student didn’t spend the full amount of their voucher, you can give them change. You will receive credit for the full voucher amount at the end of your program if you include it in your daily sales totals.
Q: When will I have access to my school's Pay Thank You account?
A: You will receive an e-mail with login credentials prior to sending your parent letters home. Typically two-three weeks before your schedule start date.